Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Felt beads

Today we embarked on the 2nd day of summer vacation with some crafts. Natalie got to try her hand at wet-felting.She was trying to make felt balls and she did the first two times. Then she started making what she referred to as monkey tails.

Here are my completed balls with the pendent I bought to match them. They are drying. The picture doesn't really show how pretty they are and that they sparkle with Angelina.
I bought the felt kit from Vicki Clontz of Annie's Keepsakes I want to say two years ago and finally got around to doing this. It was a good summer project that kept Natalie occupied for about two hours before she started to slop in the water. I can see the monkey tails used for something else, so no harm.



delanequilts said...

How fun! The necklace is beautiful! And the monkey tails are very cool, too!

elizabeth said...

How original -- monkey tails!. I love crafting with my daughter also. Ok she is a few years older then Natalie/