Thursday, February 12, 2009

Art of the Garden at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

This morning, myself and several members of the Charlotte Quilters Guild hung quilts for the Art of the Garden exhibit at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. I've been planning this exhibit for several months and thankfully everything went really well. Saturday we are there for the opening weekend which includes some demonstrations by our members and our donation quilt. Below are some photos I took once the exhibit was up. My friend, Susan Brubaker Knapp has some more photos on her blog.

The exhibit is up for about a month. If you are in the Charlotte area you won't want to miss it.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on organizing this event!!! You do great work. Susan has such an adorable picture of Natalie on her blog. i know she enjoyed helping you today.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the visitors enjoy the quilts. I didn'y mean for my previous comment to be anonymous.

Ladysg said...

I enjoyed your blog, I went pretty far back and caught up on things. (I lost addresses and blogs and things were a mess for a long time) I had major computer problems since Aug. Got a new laptop for Christmas and now I am keeping up with things much better. I liked looking at your crafts very nice and I see you are carving. I like carving too, I do most of mine for letterboxing. I am glad Jason is back on track, I know how scary it can be. Hope you never have to go through any thing like that again, but if you do, you now know you can get through it. I love the pictures of Natalie and I have to agree with her Halloween is my favorite holiday too. Can't believe she is four years old, WOW! Now that I have a reliable computer I will try to to better with keeping in touch, I got your blog address from Stacy today so I thought I would look through it and say HI!
Oh and the technically challenged MomMom now also has a digital camera and a blogspot. Give it a peek when you can
Take care!

Melissa Frey said...

I love the piece in the top picture with the green color and the ferns! I am art/quilt challenged so I am not sure if there is a technical term for it. It is very cool!