Saturday, May 31, 2008

Two Little Things

Here are two little things I did this week. The heart on the left is needle felted. We had a great speaker at our Lake Norman Quilters Guild meeting Tuesday. Vicki Clontz from Annie's Keepsakes did a brief lecture and then showed us all how to needlefelt. Vicki is a really great teacher and I think we're bringing her back later in the summer for another workshop. I've put a pin back on it so I can wear it.

The other piece is a pin cushion. We've decided to have a "Christmas in July" craft donation event (we can't call it a sale) for the guild. I'm planning on making some little things like this, so this is the first of many.


Sunday, May 25, 2008


In what started as a new project quickly became one of the funnest things I've ever made (to this point). Her name is Peach and I still can't believe how easy she was to make. It all started at Hancock's. I saw one of Patti Medaris Culea's books and flipped through it. I couldn't stop thinking about how much fun they looked. I checked it out on Amazon and then ordered her first two books. As soon as they came I started studying them until I felt ready to try it.

In her book, Patti dyes the fabric for the doll and I thought that was a little intimidating, so I went to my LQS and bought a piece of peachy-pink hand dyed (thank you, Judy). Her dress is silk hankies I bought from Janet Lasher at Barnful of Quilts. I beaded the top of the bodice. Her shoes are sewn on her feet. Her hair is chenille yard which I ran out of, but thanks to Rene I will be able to fill it out. The headband is, I think, temporary. It was placed there to help cover up the "bald spots." I may make her a hat though. I just got Patti's third book and it includes a hat pattern. Here are some other pictures of her in different stages and a closer look at her face. I was really intimidated by her face. I did the one practice piece and then unfortunately some time passed so I felt I needed to practice again. I did another practice face and then immediately did her face. Patti gives really great directions throughout the whole process but the face was the best. I have admired the dolls at the Charlotte Quilt Show before but never thought I could do them. I have since bought Susan Oroyan's books and although they are wonderful eye candy, I'm glad I found Patti's books first because they fit my style.

I so enjoyed this process! I can't wait to do the next one. And really I already own most of thethings I needed so dollmaking is just another way to create. Natalie thinks she's pretty.


Friday, May 23, 2008

A Kind of Anniversary

Today is a very poignant day for me. Ten years ago I loaded a moderate amount of stuff into my blazer and waving good-bye to my grandmother, headed south. I had just finished grad school and I had a job. I moved 500 miles from anyone I knew or anything familiar. I remember being excited, anxious, and a little apprehensive. But I was so looking forward to being on my own. I arrived in Mooresville, NC at about 4 pm. Tomorrow was my first day of work.

It is amazing what has changed in 10 years. I literally left a life behind. My parents were in Florida and everyone else in PA. The relationship I was in came to a dramatic end a few weeks earlier. But I remember I didn't care because I was doing what I set out to do. This is me at Dover my second weekend on the job. Now that seems so long ago and far away.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Beautiful Day

Natalie is very excited to wear sundresses. Who knew that such a sweet little girl could get so dirty. She has comandeered my necklace, even to the point of wearing it to school. Speaking of school, Tuesday is her last day. I think she made a lot of progress this year. She's enjoying her time outside, smelling (and picking) flowers, chasing butterflys and dancing in the sunshine. This summer should be very interesting. We're excited about the pool opening this summer and I think we're going to enroll her in some sort of gymnastics.

We've had some more visitors of the four legged kind. Last weekend, I went out the back door to put the trash out and was unexpected greeted by fowl.

Yes, quack quack.

And then, Natalie was playing in the backyard while I was pulling weeds and I saw this little guy hiding from me.

I'm working on several different projects but not one long enough to finish. Plus, I lost last week being sick. But things are looking up and the sun is shining!
