I haven't done much creating in the last few months and part of that was because my studio was such a wreck I didn't want to be in it. I'd done some cleaning up but I needed serious help. So Jason offered to help with some permanent features.
This fabric on top is what I'm going to cover my chairs with. I bought it from a LQS when she still carried home dec fabric (which is long since gone). The middle photo is the valence I made for the window. Now on to the big reveal.
The first photo is the before and then the after. Jason put in permanent couter top and wire shelving that is primarily used for closets. There is a high counter and then a lower counter where I can put a second machine.
Again the top is before and then after. Notice my helper on the table.
I didn't do a before of this area, but I can tell you it was very messy. I had very little walking area. You can see it in the above before photo. My machine is in the back and then there is a great stainless steel table (someone was throwing away) that can be used for anything.
Here is the last set of photos. This area was particularly cluttered. Now there is a second stainless table. There is a cube system across from it that I can now get to. This will be a paper area.
I still have some work to do but I am happy to say I can at least get to it and it doesn't make me depressed when I think about going in there. Maybe once the valence is up I'll take some close-ups. I just couldn't contain my excitement any longer!